Thursday, March 24, 2011

Waiting for Spring

 Chilly days...highs in the low 30s.  Days in the studio instead of the garden...I am planting seeds on paper.  These are acrylic with some oil pastel.  When my student left after her class she passed on her left over squeezed out paints and I happily mixed them into colors that intrigued me and I laid them on the paper.
 I also started a landscape with rocks....maybe I was practicing making rock/earth colors.
 Thinking of the ocean on the coast of Maine where I'll be going in April for a 2 week painting retreat.
Color mixing is one of my favorite games.  I've also been enjoying Montpelier's film festival...10 days of films, 50 films to choose from is almost too many.  Tomorrow I have 2 Dutch films to enjoy...if the weather was truly warm and beautiful, would I be able to take in a film at noon...probably not.

We do have plants growing in our windows, garden beginnings.  Happy thoughts to you all.


Altoon Sultan said...

I really really like these works on paper. The color is fresh and lively, the marks are full of energy. They feel like the coming energy of spring.

Maggie Neale said...

Altoon, I value your words. "The coming energy of spring" is within me, but delayed on my hill. Thank goodness for art.

Dootzkie said...

These looks amazing!

They entoxicate you with possitive energy!

Maggie Neale said...

Thank you, Dootzkie. Positive energy is the way to go. Glad you are feeling the intoxication!