Thursday, February 4, 2010

Seeing Red

It's been a trying week.  I am due to travel to Ohio to get my Mother and bring her to Tucson on Sat.  My sister who lives in Tucson is doing the adventure with us.  As she puts it "2 daughters dancing with demented Dorothy" and she wants to write the book, hoping I will take the photos.  I am sure some of this anxiety weighs on me.  I also caught a cold which has weighted me.  The debacle with the invasion of unwanted posts didn't help my confidence in my proceedings and I'm sure it hurt my reader support.

So I tried to weave scarves.  Now people are always asking "how long does it take to weave a scarf?"  This week it has taken me 5 days to weave 5 scarves and 2 hats which is very long and discouraging.  I have been making scarves for 20 years and I'm proud how well I can weave....well, not this week.  It is humbling to have such an off week.  One day the tape I use to mark the 60" for each scarf was wound around my ankle and when I got up to get the phone I ripped several threads which could at least become a hat, but was a letdown in process.  I broke more threads this week than I could believe; my rhythm was off; my balance unsettled.  My heart was hurting and I was seeing red, not just the warp which was to be Valentine scarves, but my mood was enflamed.  I forced myself to sit through to the end of the warp this afternoon and then let myself out with the camera to explore.

I went to my studio first to photo the paintings I have been working on.  This painting, 36x60, is an old canvas partially used by Ron Slayton, a WPA local painter.  His daughter found it in the attic and passed it on to me....a treasure which I have been adding to for 5 months.  Yesterday, when frustrated by the weaving, I found release in the painting which is shot 2 of the 2 images....definitely strengthened and invigorated by the touch from yesterday.  Yes!

I then went on to Vermont College of Fine Arts where a residency is going on with exhibits of the students work from the MFA program.  I will speak more of that tomorrow, for the night is taking me into its depths and sleep will need to be addressed soon.  Rest well ye fellow travelers.


Altoon Sultan said...

Maggie, I believe that we are learning something new during those times that are so difficult. They are painful, but take us to a new place.

The painting is growing more and more interesting.

Altoon Sultan said...

Maggie, I feel that even though some things we go through are very painful, we are learning and growing through it. All the best to you.

Jayne Shoup said...

It's the mid-winter blahs, with a touch of worry/fear. Sometimes raw emotions lead to creative leaps--all will be fine. Light and energy to you for your journey.
Jayne Shoup