Saturday, April 23, 2011

Ovals, eggs, buds, and admiration

The egg shape appears in the silks...rebirth of energy, rebirth of the earth after its hibernation, so long this year.  Sophie writes from Australia that Easter is rather a time of death...death, life, death....yes, death is indeed a factor in rebirth.

I found an egg while shopping at the Gardening Store.  I was buying a pepper powder to hopefully keep the varmints  away from my new plants in the garden....something small crept in to munch away at the new spinach and sad, but they still have their roots in the ground so more leaves may come...rebirth.
This is the egg I found...filled with cat nip for my kitty.  Such labor went into this hand made cat toy with all proceeds going to Humane Society.  I am in admiration...that rickrack takes me back to my childhood.

My friend Sofia was honored for her sculpture which the city has purchased and placed at the County Court House.  It is called Conversations and as the mayor puts it "This is a corner where many conversations take place."
A conversation was underway as I zoomed in for a photo.  A sculpture worth admiring on many levels.

History Museum was open for free yesterday as part of Montpelier's Art Walk.  I was impressed by the recreation of the oval wigwam, Abenaki egg shaped home, comforting.

Artisans Hand featured the majolica glazed earthenware pottery of Leslie Koehler.  It was also Earth Day, so pots made from the clay of the earth decorated with springing flowers was such a fit.

Yes, buds, finally.  I do have crocus and snowdrops, and early daffodil buds, but those images are not yet in my camera....snowing again...we will wait for another day.  I am off now to a friend's house for the holiday.  We will attend a classical concert interpreting the "Seven last Words of Christ".  Ought to be intriguing.  Happy Easter, Happy Passover, Happy Rebirth!


Altoon Sultan said...

Happy Easter to you too, Maggie. I wish all a brilliant rebirth of Spring, whenever it decides to arrive.

Jeane Myers said...

a wonderful fully loaded post Maggie, Happy Easter my friend xo

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Lovely post Maggie, from rick rack to flower buds. Happy Holidays and the arrival of your Spring!

Sheltie Lover said...

Maggie every time I visit your blog I feel like painting! Love, Rhoda

Maggie Neale said...

hello to Altoon, Jeane, Mary Ann, and lovely to find your words waiting for me as I return from the even whiter north country. Watched the sun rise and blossoms open to it. Beautiful day for renewal...blessings to all.

Sophie Munns said...

Dear Maggie,
I do hope you had a happy Easter...
I really enjoyed open spaces, bike riding in beautifully scenic places and relaxing with family on my holiday away over Easter.
Just catching up again at home...
Lovely post...the hut is amazing to imagine living in... your cold weather and all... loved its shape.
Rik Rak is so reminiscent of my mother sewing all our clothes in childhood!
I can so feel the pleasure that spring bursting forth brings!
Good creating Maggie,
ps. the 'life-death-life' cycle image comes from Pinkola-Estes ... always thought it a very complete image!

Maggie Neale said...

Sophie, always good to hear from you. You have such exurberance in your writing style. Yes, good Easter. Snow gone and days of heat have followed. I need to make another post....