Thursday, April 1, 2010

Big Sky, Big Rocks, Big Foot

Big Sky, Big Rocks, Big Foot
Originally uploaded by colormuse

Internet cafe with music louder than my taste, but a chance for connection with the blogging world. great sightings and travels in the southwest. Got up to my sister's partners land in Snowflake, AZ where the clouds shifted rapidly in the gale force winds. Many climates in AZ as we passed through areas of deep snow still collected in the forests. Good to feel the heat back in the city and then time in the desert. Tonight we'll do some experimental cooking with native crops...cactus and others! Mesquite tortillas!

Miss my internet connections with you all and will make visits to all your blogs when I return to the land of access. Hope inspiration is flowing for you all! Have a good weekend.


Four Seasons in a Life said...

Dear Maggie,

What a wonderful time to be traveling through the Southwest, especially as the landscape renews itself in the colours of spring under a magical sky.

It is good to be away from the Internet and be in touch with Mother Earth and back to basic.

Wishing you safe travel and a Happy Easter weekend,

sophie munns said...

Hi Maggie,

I so wish i could be an onlooker or participant (if I an honest) at your cook up with all those interesting sounding finds.

Enjoy your break in this different environment.It looks quite fascinating!
S said...

Happy Easter to you all! It's been fascinating and full of nature, but I'm looking forward to resuming my "regular" life soon. More posts coming.