Friday, January 8, 2010

Apron Strings Unleashed

Apron Strings Unleashed
Originally uploaded by colormuse

To change the surface of a small wood square, I added materials, tatting cord, cheese cloth, silk, and hand woven chenille all "glued" with wax. Such a mixed surface was hard to lather paint over and I found myself clothing it off, scraping through. Finally today it began to find itself....though I am certain I'll be back at it in these next few days. Good to take a pause, take a photo, back away and consider it on other viewing levels.


Four Seasons in a Life said...

I marvel at your artistic output. I find it hard to find time right now, especially since there is so much to do.

Thank you for sharing,

Maggie Neale said...

Thanks, Egmont. I am crowding art into the end of the afternoon like a toast with a glass of wine, fills me and doesn't leave a headache.