Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Joyous day

Oh, joyous day!  My son Ezra just called me from Africa.  So lovely to be in communication with him.  He just arrived on Friday to visit with his friend Shannon for the next few weeks and she immediately took him off for a weekend away at a French villa where they relaxed and enjoyed.  Now back in town she has gone back to work--a Fulbright scholarship PHD work--and Ezra is catching up with himself.  He is such a good writer; I've encouraged him to start a blog as a journal for those interested in his adventure and for him to have in a complete form when he returns.  I am realizing how important this blog is for me....no longer do I care if others are making comments because it is becoming my journal of my life and thoughts.  I am feeding myself and happy to share.  These flowers are a happy couple now but will become a vine up the side of the cabin---growth is essential to process.

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