Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sketchbook Breakthrough

 My sketchbook is happening!  I've been collecting odd bits and questions and it started to come together this morning after I had done a layer of silks.  Waiting for them to dry, I took a breather and wondered why we make sketchbooks.  This sketchbook of Cy Twombly's fell out of the collected papers and I saw it in a different light.  If I glued this double page on over the fragile rip from the first drawing, I would be making the whole more stable.  A sketchbook is a collection of thoughts...musings.  I like to muse.
But why didn't anyone tell me the paper is not very durable?  Something to learn for myself and adjust to the just 5 minutes....
 It was a lovely day today.  I could have been taking a walk.  The frost stayed in my yard most of the day and the ground was wet, but when I went down the "mountain", it was very pleasant.  However, I already had it in my mind to get to the studio earlier so I could use the short light of this November day.  And what sun streamed in the room.  It was falling on all the paints of my studio mate who has taken herself off to see the art of San Francisco.  My Mexican Rojo went over to investigate.
 While I started making a big mess, spreading out all sorts of paper and paint.  Mostly I was doing the quick box decorating.  My silk scarves are happy when gifted in a hand painted box and the supply was getting low, but I did have to make a few 5 minute works for the sketch book.  Unfortunately by the time   I thought to take photos the light was low and most of the photos are too blurry to post..but what fun it was!
Be well...count your blessings and feel the richness.

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