Friday, January 1, 2010

Fresh Start and Heart Along the Path

Burning a candle for peace on this first day of 2010, with so many things on my mind that this post may become confusing. As I looked back at December's images, this one from the Puppet Cities came to my attention. This puppet came to me quite a few years ago at a craft fair--another trade. She looked like my grandmother Dama and she spoke to me. I dressed her in chenille scraps and "fixed" her hair. With the thought of playing in the puppet city, she spoke again to me and claimed her part in the play. Such memories she brings back when I hold her--sweet and not so sweet, my grandmother was such a force. Ah, Dama, peace to you.
Our walk today took us along the river past the high school. How surprised we were to see the evidence of the fresh start from the beaver so close to human passing. Part of the deal I am making with myself is to get out into the winter and find what enchants me about it. Not being a skier, I limit my outdoor time when the snow flies, but I want to remember the enjoyment of all the seasons so being given gifts along the path in the winter walk might just be recorded here this year.
The mighty Winooski narrows, ice beaches forming on its edges. Winter changes the look as the leaf coverings leave and the vistas open.
Yes, along the path a heart was observed and recorded, a reflecting heart holding the sky and the trees above. Small pleasures. We were warming to this walk, greeting others along the path with blessings "Happy New Year."
Another fresh start was the jar of beeswax and copal, a tree resin from the market in Oaxaca, Mexico. I hacked up the wax from the large round so it could dissolve more quickly in mineral spirits. After several days, this can be creamed with a palette knife. It is the substance I use to embed materials and papers in my paintings and also mix with my oil paints. A great find from my study in Mexico. I am preparing for my next dive into painting in my new studio. Hurrah!


Blue Sky Dreaming said...

What a lovely way to spend New Year's Day...walking your path, observing winter...a heart? a beaver's work? WOW!

Jeane Myers said...

good morning Maggie - mmm, I hope you are ensconced in your new digs and working like a mad woman - a heart! how fabulous! okay, you know I want to try the mexican encaustic, but alas, none of the special tree resin in sight - can a person find that here?! xxo

Maggie Neale said...

Hi Mary Ann, yes a great way to enter a new year.

Jeane, worked in new studio today! Google copal and see what you come up with, It is a tree resin and used in sacred ceremonies and Catholic churches to purify.