Friday, November 13, 2009

Reaching for Texture

It was a day to find myself painting in the space just off the kitchen. Now that I have most of my summer studio emptied, I have shifted all my supplies and my work surfaces more than once. The order has changed, and paint was applied to surfaces already challenged with paint and texture. More texture happened and I was lost in the process...what a blessing to be lost in color and texture once again. These are both quite small. Maybe tomorrow I will clear more space so something bigger can be exposed and covered....just got the call to dinner and it is smelling mighty good. Be well readers, lookers, and art critics. Have you anything to say on this day?


Blue Sky Dreaming said...

I'm lovin' both of them! The colors connect me and the texture is great.They both look very large as you fill the space with large strokes of color! Have a great dinner.

Jeane Myers said...

I say these are amazing! love both of them :)

Maggie Neale said...

Oh, Mary Ann and Jeane, so nice to hear from you both and glad you like them. I've got a couple more seeping in their juices tonight, so more to play with tomorrow and show. It was great to feel productive again....though I have to dye too...a request for red scarves.

The Artist Within Us said...

Hi Maggie,

The second one I seem to prefer and it is also wonderful to be able and see the image very large and so study the textural patterns, as well as how the painting was developed.

Enjoy your weekend,

Maggie Neale said...

Yes, Egmont, I like to look at large image...when I blog through flickr, we don't get that option. Second one is more complete...i agree. Thanks!