Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Practicing Being Thankful

Life is full. Sometimes we are so busy doing that we are forgetful about being and being thankful for it. We made a plan over coffee to get to the market early in this day to beat the crowds. We had a local turkey waiting for us at the coop and the Vermont cranberries were calling. I bought 2 different cans of pumpkin and then I picked up a pumpkin pie....the last one was so good and just in case my energy didn't move in the direction of pie making, I wanted to not disappoint. I have a bit of a seasonal craving for pumpkin pie...I am still my mother's daughter and proud of it! Jonah will be joining us and he loves broccoli....squash, sweet potatoes...Oh! It was so much fun to be shopping again and sales have been happening so I felt free to buy what came to mind and to hand. I am thankful to be back on my feet, making art...I wove another scarf today and realized it wasn't quite satisfying and I unearthed my dye table, still on the back deck and painted 3 scarves. It thrilled me to be painting in the chill Nov air....though it was a task to get them dry with the hairdryer and probably won't be doing this again, but it was a such a lark to spread the dye under that November sky. Ah, thankful again. Our dinner tonight of steelhead trout, sweet potato fries made up fresh, and kale from the garden was such a treat that we took photos and called it another thanksgiving. Hope you readers are all finding thanks in your days.

Photos not yet available so I put on the chenille scarf I photographed yesterday for etsy.com...beautiful shell tones.

1 comment:

healingsgreen.com said...

Way cool post...you are so "there"