Friday, January 30, 2009


Only a week has passed...seems like a long week and I have had to use several of my hats. One day so cold I wore several outdoors at once...shoveling, shoveling. I am preparing for the snow sculpture contest I am part of tomorrow. Georgia Landau is captain and the other founders of SPA will be her team mates. We will be carving a cube of compacted snow 6 feet in all measurements. Georgia has found a beautiful crosscut saw to help us round out our form. I am gathering tools from around the house---an artist does have tools. I have purchased new boots but the gloves I still need to acquire. More on this tale for later.

Now I want to report that I have been painting which is always a help to my sanity. I gave myself Wed while the snow kept falling. That's when the red painting 20x20, got refreshed, and for me, improved, but amazing thing about paintings...when one paints over, it is painted over. There is no undo button. When I reenter a painting, it has to be with a commitment to acceptance of change. And when I get the paints mixed and the tools prep, watch out, because any painting could fall under the change effect. It can be dizzying and exhilarating.

  • Lovely quote surfaced for me today "The matter isn't to paint life, but to make a painting live."
(Pierre Bonnard)

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